Weekly filings for unemployment

Weekly filings for unemployment benefits, considered largely representative of layoffs, had risen moderately since May before this week's decline. Though still at historically healthy levels, the recent increase signaled that high interest rates may finally be taking a toll on the labor market. ??????????  

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Amidst a 45% year-over-year

Amidst a 45% year-over-year spike in New York City transit crime in January, mostly due to grand larcenies, Hochul deployed 1,000 state workers, including 250 state police troopers and MTA Police members, to assist the NYPD in enhanced baggage checks at heavily trafficked areas of the subway system. ??????????  

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On Dec. 30, 2023, a group

On Dec. 30, 2023, a group stole two out-of-service trains parked in a restricted area near the Forest Hills-71st Avenue subway station in Queens. Authorities said the group entered the operators' compartments of two lead train cars before driving them short distances northbound. ??????????  

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